In a mere three and a half weeks my slightly drunken "ahh what the hell I'll just join the waitlist" race comes up. Seems like you have to be careful what you wish for (particularly, in this case, given I was still fairly hung over when the waitlist place was confirmed the next morning).
Centurion Running's Wendover Woods 50-mile race (WW50) is the last of their four 50-mile events of 2016. I ran the 3rd in the series, Chiltern Wonderland 50, a couple of months ago.
I've run a couple of laps of the Wendover Woods course in recent weeks, and promised the Centurion Facebook group that I'd post a few photos of my next trip.
Though this is the inaugural WW50 it seems to have built up quite a bit of a reputation already as one tough cookie. So let's cover that bit first: yes there is a lot of ascent and descent, and yes it will chew you up if you set out at your marathon pace, but if you respect the course and go carefully and steadily - you'll be fine.
If you can do 50, you can do this - just allow some extra time. Now that's out of the way...
Disclaimer: this isn't intended to provide turn-by-turn directions, many turns are discussed, but not all - take a copy of the route with you on your device of choice.
It's a keeper - stick it on the fridge
The course looks a lot like a three year old scrawled on the wall in crayon, and someone thought it would look good over-layed on woodland. However, once out there it's not really that complicated.
Today was the third time I've run the course and I only needed to look at my map once (a left hander I'll tell you about later). In any case, you won't want to be looking at a map because: a) Centurion course marking is excellent, and b) you'll trip over a tree root.
Let's go!
The highest point in the Chilterns
The start is in a field by a trig point and some cows. It's the highest point in the Chilterns - but don't worry, you'll be seeing many of the lower points too. Apart from a short piece across a field, this is the only part on grass. The majority of the course is on well tended paths and trails, with most of the rest on narrower trail, some single-track - but none of the nettle and gorse bush fest of some routes.
At this time of year of course, the whole route is on fallen leaves - very pretty, but take care as they hide what you're really running on.
I wore La Sportiva Helios SR - good all round grip, not too heavy, and a sole thick enough to protect from pointy things whilst thin enough to get some feel from the ground. I wore by favourite innov8 shoes for the last 50 and got sore soles, that was a mistake, I need a little more cushioning over that distance.
Form an orderly queue
The first obstacle comes pretty quickly - 100m across the field from the start is a one-at-a-time-please stile. My plan is to take that first 100m nice and easy - unless you're at the pointy end there's no issue in losing a few seconds here, and there's a lot to lose by starting your 50 miles at a flat-out sprint.
Main path left on lap one, smaller path by post on laps two to five
After the stile, the first lap differs from the following four in a small way - on lap one there's a sharp left straight away onto a wider and flatter path which will help everyone settle out and find their place in the procession. On future laps you go straight on, and down a single-file trail - far too early into lap one to deny people from overtaking.
Thankfully, we don't go down this bit on lap one
In fact, there are quite a few sections that are hard for overtaking, so take the opportunities when you see them, but they do come regularly, so no need to try crazy moves.
A wide shallow climb
Following the descent, and crossing a road half way, is the first of the gentle climbs. I jogged up most of it today, but will resist the temptation to do that on race day. Much of the course is runnable, including some ascents, and it might be fine for lap one or two, but I'll predict an uncomfortable lap five would follow early exuberance.
You can just see the Gruffalo on the grassy area to the left of the path
A few tens of metres of road follow before running through the cafe area (hello supporters! don't forget the car park closes at 5pm!) and down a nice runnable descent on the other side and past a Gruffalo (whatever one of those is).
Cocking this bit up as usual, I waded through a bunch of annoying brambles
The next left is the one corner on the course I've missed every single time. I hope this one is really well sign-posted. Up the short hill is one of the least well trodden paths - particularly when buried in leaves. It's only a short rise before you hit a much wider cross-path so don't worry too much if you go exactly the right side of every tree (I cocked it up even more this time than previously).
Nice runnable down, but don't drag your feet (also - one of the two horsey-posts)
A right at the top and a nice runnable piece before reaching a four-way cross where you turn right (later on, you'll reach it again and also turn right - the first of two points where this happens). I remember the turning as there's a post - however I upgraded that today to be "where there's two horsey-posts" as there is an earlier post, which is the wrong post.
Like all runnable downs, you must watch out for roots - this is a rooty course and you'll need to keep your feet up anywhere you can't see what's under the carpet of leaves.
Open up your legs on one of these rare flat stretches
Navigation takes a short break and there's an overtaking opportunity before diving back left and gently up again, following the path round to the earlier junction, but from the opposite direction. I kept finding myself taking a moment to take in the colours - beautiful autumn shades everywhere, and so many leaves on the floor if you're not careful you get overwhelmed by all the detail. A hell of a challenge for cameras, I think my iPhone did pretty well!
Drop down into the cutting here - but watch out for trip hazards
Next up, and through a little obstacle, is a down hill trail that drops into a cutting for a hundred or two metres. This is the first bit where you really need your wits about you - there are loose rocks, big pebbles, sticks and branches all over the place. It was particularly tricky when buried in leaves.
The field with its soft springy grass is tempting, but wrong - go up the hill just to the left of it
Left up out of the cutting and, avoiding the tempting gate into a nice flat field with (today at least) the lights of heaven beyond, and up a short hill, right, right again and down the slipperiest descent on the course.
Bursting out and into the sunlight for a few minutes
Take it easy working your way down under the cabling - I landed on my arse thanks to slippy grass and a sharp corner. Stretch your legs across the field, then turn left at the far side and follow the perimeter to the far left corner.
Up to the right of that log and round the back of it
Over the stile, and down into a different cutting and up the other side. I took a moment to celebrate this being the first time I haven't given in to the temptation to run up the cutting - that's the wrong way. Don't run up the cutting.
An opportunity to take a good hike on an easy incline
Enjoy a hike for a few minutes with plenty of left turns, then a steep but runnable downhill. I think there's a shoe-risk here. Some of the runnable downs are quite steep, and unless you go full tilt there's a risk that you'll keep hammering your toes into the front of the toe box. I like shoes with a roomy toe box, I'd suggest they're essential for this course.
These are the downs that the fast people will be hurtling down - for the rest of us, these are the downs that will crucify our quads. For the mid and back of the pack, I predict it's the downs that will get hard on tired legs toward the end rather than the ups.
The bottom of the down with a hairpin right - not onto the big path at the bottom
There's a hairpin right at the five-way junction at the bottom of the hill, the second of the junctions you'll visit twice (or, hopefully, ten times).
A rare leafless trail
Then you get a break (unless you're at the pointy end) with a long gentle incline. I've been jogging up it on my one-lap visits, but I'll be walking it on the day. I really do think that early-excitement will cost dearly later, it will for me at any rate!
20-30 metres of steepness
A sharp left at the end of the incline to continue upwards, and left onto one of the two sections that I would say are genuinely steep. It's only a short segment, so don't worry about it - in fact with this much variation on the course there isn't anything that lasts more than a few hundred metres.
Dive left - take care again
Legs get a break at the top with one of the nice wide flat sections again, before diving back into the forest into a particularly root-laden section, so take care! I've stubbed my toe and had a near-trip on this section.
Up here
A longer hike follows soon with a path crossing - this is a bit steeper and goes under a fair bit of the Go Ape apparatus. Enjoy the whoops and screams of adventurers, and watch out for falling phones and millennials.
After spending some time in the foothills, you'll now be right up at the same height as the car park. That means it's time for a hairpin left around a Go Ape seating area, and back down to the bottom again. This is another narrow segment and slippery with roots and rocks.
Soon the course pops you out into a nice shallow down on a good path - another opportunity to change stride length and shake out those legs.
At the bottom of the hill it's left back into the forest and onto certainly the rootiest couple of hundred metres of the course. Thankfully this area is less leafy so you can see the surfaces, but it's going to be challenging in the dark.
Run - if you can!
A couple of turns later and out of the woodland onto the firmest and most runnable path of the course. A few hundred metres of proper path leading back to the five-way junction from earlier.
I think the mid-point aid station will be somewhere around here.
Back at the five-way junction, turning right from here and back into the woodland
Second time at the five-way, and turning right there's a good long (but not steep) march uphill. I found this was a good piece to get into a nice rhythm and cover some ground without actually running. Consistency is important, it could take a long time to get up here if you're dawdling.
Fast downhill time
Left at the top and it's time for a long downhill section - the first part is a bit steep (argh, quads!) but shallows out and you can get some good ground covered.
Another long hikeable up
If the first part of the course was all about short ups and downs, this middle is a bit calmer. The long down ends in a cross-roads (you'll know it because it's right before the fencing starts on the left) and you dive right up another climb.
This really is a beautiful woodland
The climb starts fairly steep but soon shallows out - just keep on marching and you'll get there. This is a lovely section of course, very wide and flat and pretty. I look forward to being lapped on lap four up here (hopefully not lap three, but we'll see).
Towards the top of this hill there's a hairpin right, and you dive into a narrow and rooty forest trail again, eventually emerging onto a proper path for a few tens of metres.
Balancing on the balance beam is optional
This section is through a fitness trail - the route passes a zig-zag-run, tricep dip bars, and a balance beam. I don't believe there's extra credit available for trying them out. Turning left at the balance beam the route joins a trail around the hill fort. This is flat (hurray!) and really quite nice on the legs to run, but watch out for more pesky roots.
Pop out here, turning place visible as grassy knoll in the picture
The trail pops you out through a children's area, across a turning place at the end of the overflow carpark, and down a really nice wide trail. Perfect for stretching your legs out.
Run, run, run!
Fantastic downhill awaits, enjoy it.
The picture does not do this incline justice
What goes down must go up again (as Lazarus says about the Barkley Marathons, the net ascent on each lap is zero, how hard can it be?).
In the mud (after a few hundred people have been up it three or four times) this will be tricky. I think it's the steepest climb on the course - but even with that said it only takes a couple of minutes, and there's no actual climbing required.
Arriving up from the left, turn left and run down the ditch
The ditch is fast but a bit bonkers on legs a bit broken from the climb - just like the other ditch across the course, watch out for loose rocks, pointy flints, and fallen twigs and branches - also don't go careering to fast or you'll end up in a bush at the bottom. Don't ask me how I know that.
A little up and down
After the ditch, and a flat bit, there's an odd switch left up some steps and right at a four-way to go back down a small descent - to be honest I'm not sure if I've got this little bit right...
You're seeing a fraction of the photos I took, I couldn't stop
Next is a rolling section with some nice runnable parts - not far to go now, almost a lap completed. However, you're at the bottom of the hill again, so there's a sting in the tail to follow.
No real-world comforts for you!
After the rolling trail there's a tantalising glance at the real world - a few houses and people making cups of tea. No time for that for you though - turn right, time to finish the lap.
Take the one on the right
The final climb combination starts here - it's a bit tricky in places but should be well marked.
Ski jump in winter
After a while there's a bit where they've decided you probably need some assistance. First there's some railings. I'm not sure why this part of the route is more pedestrian-friendly, I suspect there's a main walking route that goes from the Wendover corner up to the top?
Steps and handrails - ignored on lap one, essential on lap five
Then some stairs up to the road crossing.
The reentry point is visible, just past the light patch across the road
Pop out here and dive back in about 20m down on the left.
Carry on up, following the hand rail
It's fascinating how the flora varies through different parts of the woods. Each area has it's own personality and colour palette. This area here was absolutely stunning on the day of this run - sharp shadows in the crisp air, and incredible trees.
My new iPhone lock-screen picture
There are a few trees that really draw the attention. This was one of a couple that were just jaw-droppingly beautiful. As always, the photo does it no justice.
Single-track section - there's a left turn somewhere along here, easy to miss
Get to the top of all that and there's a short single-track section. This is about as overgrown as it gets really so no need to worry about stinging nettles and brambles. I ran it in compression socks and shorts and barely picked up a scratch.
The only gate on the course
Left at the top of the single track section and through the only gate on the course. It's a bit of a fiddly one and there's no quick way through. If this is lap five and the race is on, getting to this gate first could be a distinct advantage.
Nice wide and flat - perfect for some closing stages sprinting
Through the gate, along a narrow track, bend to the right at the end and run a hundred metres down the road. Just before you get to the T-junction with another road the there's the final stile of the circuit.
The last non-bovine obstacle
If you didn't make it to the gate first, it may be recoverable if you use everything you've got left to get to the stile to the start/finish field first - there's only a short run from the stile back to the trig point - come on, you can do it!
The trig point is well guarded
And there you go - one lap completed. Four more to go, no time to hang around at the checkpoint.
See you all on the 26th; don't forget to charge your head torch batteries, this is going to be bonkers in the dark!
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