Taking in the two flat laps of Great Denham parkrun in the morning (resplendent in the sunshine), we headed up to Bedford. We stayed at the Barns Hotel conveniently just the other side of the River Great Ouse from the race HQ in Priory Country Park - yet somehow still a 25 minute walk away to find a bridge.
Great Denham run briefing in action
The run route was quite narrow at the start - runners were asked to self-seed into 5 pens based on predicted time, but as usual some people didn't listen (or care) so even the front wave had some walkers in it. I've nothing against walking if it's permitted, but please start at the back!
Priory park was pretty gorgeous at sunset
I set off with Mrs in wave 2, predicted time 55-59 minutes. The route was flat and led around the park, up into the edge of the town area along a river, and then back into the park. It was a fairly average run, and it was nice to be running out in the early evening rather than the searing heat of the last few months here and on holiday.
Post-race glow, with surprisingly heavy medal
I came in at 55:42 and picked up a weighty piece of bling and my free t-shirt. We got back to the hotel for a disappointing dinner and went to bed, all tucked up and ready to sleep through tomorrow's race.